These are relatively short command-line programs intended to work the same way under both DOS and Unix.
This program has two functions, inverses of each other: (1) splitting a file into separate files each no larger than some maximum size, and (2) rejoining the separate files into a whole. (The word "cleave" describes both splitting and joining.)
This program creates a desk calculator in which arithmetic expressions are entered in Reverse Polish order (i.e., like some Hewlett-Packard calculators), hence the name "rp". The calculator's stack can be displayed horizontally on a single line, vertically on multiple lines, or not at all if "rp" is to be used in a script.
+ This program needs ANSI cursor control enabled for its "vertical" display mode to work. On Windows, you'll need to add the ansi.sys driver to your config.sys or config.nt file. The two other display modes will work even if the driver is not installed.